Monday, December 20, 2010


so now we are on to RSS. When I did this last time, this was when I went - YES - this is how I keep up with all this stuff. Kathryn who was doing it with us then said that for her it was irritating, and a colleague from Gosnells has said the same thing this time.
So my thoughts are - it works for us who aren't on the Internet that much.
As we can check in - and part of that is to quickly check our Google Reader and see what we need to catch up on.
But those people who have the Internet open all the time - don't want that extra check to go through.
In my past life I had a few things I checked regularly that came into my RSS Google Reader.
Kathryn's blog - just because I worked with her and she is usually ahead of most things.
Libraries Interact - just to see what is happening in the world of libraries in Wa. It was also good when I was thinking of changing jobs from Uni to Public Libraries - I looked at all my local councils and subscribed to the RSS feeds for job vacancies - so could keep an eye out for new library jobs in my local area (don't think Gosnells has this service).
For this new course I have been looking at Festival Australia which has literary festival info - just because it is something I find interesting.
And then because for work it is good to keep up with what's been awarded the latest literary award I have subscribed to Book Award Tragic.
The only problem is that with all these courses I have lots of Google identities - so all the different feeds relate to different identities...

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