Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The 24th Thing

Well today i was at bellydancing ( a work wellness activity) and I think each week I am getting worse rather than better. Last week we just had to concentrate on one part of the body at a time, but this week we had to try and move more than one part at a time plus add the movements of a scarf. Being very lacking in coordination skills (that's me not the others) this led to much hilarity.
We got to a point where our teacher tried to show us a basic routine - and one of the group went "that's a challenge". Another of our intrepid bellydancers answered very quickly - "don't see that as a challenge but as a learning opportunity - aren't you doing 23 Things"! As we all had hysterics - the bemused teacher watched on - and we decided that this was our 24th thing and that we really were having a challenging semester.....

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Ok so this week we are doing RSS and it is the thing that has taken me the longest to get.
I now "get it" but still can't see that I'd use it - I think this is why it was hard for me to "get" - as I just can't see that I'd use it - but I'm open to changing my mind.
I've gone into my Google Reader and had the first read of my posts or feeds - interesting but feels a little extravagant as I have so many things to do and spending time reading through the posts takes a while. I also have the problem of what do I do with them once read.
I find with all this stuff (and previously it has come into my inbox from different lists) - that I file away or leave in my inbox the useful or interesting stuff but never get time to go back and do anything with it.
So I feel like my Google reader is going to be exactly the same. I've starred the ones that look like they could be interesting or worth going back to - but I don't feel like I'll ever get back there.
I also find that you have to do that extra step of going to Google where-as with email it all just comes to me without any effort on my part!
But I'll keep checking the reader twice a week for the 23 things and see how I find it.
It feels a little like it is just adding to my information overload!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Goals and my learning styles

Well I started thinking about my learning toolkit, but didn't really think about my goals or how I learn. So my goals...
ummm - well obviously I want to learn more about this stuff and feel more comfortable using it.
I defintely want to see ways that we can use it in our section and other parts of the Library to make our services better for our customers.
I also would like this programme to be an opportunity to promote teamwork and communication across the library and to help other staff feel a little more confident with technology, and maybe a little empowered by their knowledge?
And I have to admit one of my goals is to have fun and enjoy my work and this for me definitely helps with that!
now learning - i learn more by doing than reading - so this is great. though sometimes i have trouble translating the written instructions into actions - so i suppose that is where the mentors and other people come in. I often have to paraphrase something into my own head or words for it to make sense to me, so that also helps. I'm an impatient learner wanting to jump from one thing to another - and i guess i'm a bit attracted by glittery things - a bit like that bird (is it a bower bird) that grabs shimmery things and puts them in their nest. So i suppose i'm easily distracted and not always following instructions. It can take you to exciting places, or also leave me frustrated cause I missed a few steps and got totally lost!
Well that's enough reflection for now.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Meez

I'm excited I also have a Meez!!

My Learning Toolkit

Well I've been travelling through all the new blogs that are being posted as part of the 23 Things project and am hanging out to see everyone else's blogs!
Sue's blog has inspired me to actually do what I'm supposed to and reflect on this whole learning process.
So My Learning Toolkit...
  • Well the obvious one time
  • And the not getting caught down in the minutiae of all that stuff you do every day, that is piled into your in-tray, on your desk, that never ends etc
  • My colleagues are the next one - from getting that handy hint, from asking for help, from listening to everyone swap blogs in the work-room and make me want to go back and look at mine
  • Then all those other people out there in Library Land posting information, generating discussion on email lists, presenting information at conferences, unconferences, workshops, sharing stories at meetings
  • And I think just all these wonderful resources that are coming to us as part of this 23 Things project and helping me find some direction in what is a mass of information
  • And lastly - I'm sure the belly dancing session yesterday helped immensely, it made me relaxed, happy and ready to have fun - probably looking after yourself is a big one!
Well I think that is my starting tool-kit - possibly also enthusiasm!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My first post!

Hi everyone else in 23 things.
This is my first post and I'm not really sure what to say.
I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to explore all these new technologies and I think it's great that all the staff in the Library here have been given this opportunity.
I find the idea of a blog a little alien - it will be interesting to see how I feel at the end when I have been doing this more regularly,