Let's see:
- Learn more about this technology and feel comfortable using it - well I definitely feel comfortable using most of it and would love more time to spend on using some of these tools to their full potential. That is probably my main regret - there's always been a little more that I would like to explore - particularly under the "for those that want more" sections of the weeks, but as the weeks have gone by its been more a matter of getting done the bare minimum of the week and a "I'll try and play with that later". Later is a little like tomorrow - it never comes... I would say that one tool I still don't feel comfortable with is Facebook. Its probably just me but I just don't "get it". I mean I can see what people say about the benefits they get out of Facebook, but it just doesn't sit comfortably with me - maybe its to do with networking, I've never felt comfortable with that either and Facebook in a professional sense is about networking. I can see it as a possible tool for a Public Library - but would need to explore it a lot more before really deciding on this.
- To look at ways we can use the new technology in our section and to make our services better for our customers - We have definitely already started on using some of these things in our section - the Doc del wiki for WA VDX users is one great example, plus the Doc del delicious account is another. I think because we have been doing this project as a collaboration between staff the natural progression has been to start using it as part of our work practices (Google docs is another one people have picked up and run with) and we haven't really had a chance to think yet about using it with our customers. But that will come, there are already many ideas running around in my head about things we could do for External students - maybe over the break I will have a little more of that thing called "time".
- Promote teamwork and communication across the Library and enabling staff to feel more confidant and a little empowered by this technology - well that one has been a fantastic and rewarding thing to see. Staff in ELS have buddied up at various times when a couple of them are falling behind (2 are twittering together this week as they missed doing it last week), everyone is helping each other, sharing what they've found and incorporating it into their work. The energy has gone up and down over the project, but there has always been a trigger from someone to set it off again. Then there's the comments after a night shift, that show that the Reference desk Librarian and the ELS staff have been discussing and exploring these tools together, plus there are all those tea-time conversations.... I think it has been really empowering for some of the staff - there's the power in knowing that you can do it - doesn't matter if you will use some of the technology again - you have had the chance to explore it with others also learning. And then there's those who have really gone beyond their comfort zones and presented info at a WAGUL forum - that's brave! I have to say I've been really proud of the way staff in ELS have explored this technology.
- Have fun and Enjoy work - well that one has happened nearly all the way - thanks Kathryn and Murdoch Library for giving me this opportunity!!!
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